This article was originally published on TrendExposed
His Mother-In-Law Made These Sleep Pants For Him As A Gift...
We don't understand why someone's mother-in-law would give them a pair of pants with such a sexual innuendo, but that is what happened to this person. They got these pants for Christmas, and when he opened the box, he didn't know how to react.
Unfortunately, not many people would be able to thank their mother-in-law with a straight face while wearing these. We wonder if she understood the joke or thought the squirrel was just a cute addition to the pajamas. Most would hope that she just has a cheeky sense of humor
There's A Blazer She Will Never Wear On TV Again
At first glance, it looks like this woman is wearing a black dress with her hands on her hips and an abnormally large head. However, it is just actually an optical illusion from her blazer. Like the queen from Alice in Wonderland, she has a huge head and a tiny body.
When she looks back at this, she will wonder why she wore this blazer and why she didn't do a camera test before appearing on national news. Instead of being remembered for her work, people will recognize her for this picture and the memes that followed it.
"I Have A Big Head And A Little Body"
She must shop at the same store as the other newscaster because her dress also gives the illusion of a tiny body. At least she made a joke out of it and realized how bizarre it looked on camera. Aren't there wardrobe people at the news stations to tell the anchors if something will look bad?
Linsey Davis must double-check all of her outfits since on camera since this incident. She can't let herself become another internet meme because it is not something that a newscaster can put on their resume.
"I Know What You Are...A Horrible T-Shirt"
When Kristin Stewart was a child, she probably never imagined that her face would be stretched across people's chests. However, after the Twilight phenomena, her face was plastered on every surface you could possibly imagine. Unfortunately, no one thought how this would look on a person with boobs.
Her face looks like it has a filter on it so that her head is stretched. Realistically, who would wear something like this when Twilight hasn't been popular for quite some time? No shade to this young girl, but we would get rid of anything that has to do with her horrible acting. #sorrynotsorry
Yes, Every Woman Wants To Look Like She Had A Period Accident
Although these leggings look like they could make your workout more colorful, the dark color is placed in the wrong spot. It looks like her time of the month has hit hard and she was not prepared for a flood of the Red Sea. It's sad that women have to think about these things.
This was probably not designed by a woman because she would have realized how awkward the color placement is. All we can do is hope that not many people bought these, so they don't have to fake not being totally embarrassed like this model.
Hanging On By A Thread...Literally
Distressed jeans have been popular for a while now, but nothing bothers us more than seeing pockets with holes in them. How are people supposed to put anything safely in there without the fear of it falling out? This girl clearly forgot that the bottom of her back pocket is non-existent.
Her phone is hanging on by a single thread, which we don't think will hold on for much longer. Anyone could easily swipe it from her because it is so exposed. She should try carrying a purse or wear pants that don't have holes in the important places.
Inflatable Pants Are All The Rage In Bikini Bottom
If you are tired of bumping into things and getting bruises all over your legs, then you should be wearing these horrendous balloon pants. Who designed these, and why was this ever considered fashion? How would men comfortably walk around with these on?
While we understand it is more for the runway rather than wearable fashion, these still should have been left in the design studio. Better yet, they should have been burned, but that plastic material would have polluted the air, which means that these are just terrible in every imaginable way.
We Call These: Flopkinis
When you would rather be at the beach, but it's the middle of the week, and you have to go to work. This woman is sporting some of the most bizarre shoes we have ever laid eyes on, and we just want to know one thing; why? Who created and sold these to this woman?

Everyone on the subway was staring at her feet because they had never seen a pair of shoes like these. Why wear ordinary sandals when each foot could sport a pink bikini? Whoever snapped this picture should have sent it to the fashion police tip-line so they could handle it accordingly.
So Many Questions, So Little Time
We would love to meet this woman because everyone is wondering what the thought process was behind this dress. It looks like Vladamir Putin is a karate master angel with cherubs to protect him if his karate skills fail. What kind of event would your wear a Putin ball gown to?
Whether this is her birthday party or her father walking her down the aisle, she has no idea how bizarre her dress looks. Even the man in the background can't hide his confusion after seeing the gown for the first time. He wondered if his eyes are playing tricks on him or maybe he is at the wrong event.
Peo Peo Are Ple Ple
When you think of baby clothes, do you picture meaningful sayings or cute cartoon animals? Typically, baby onesies aren't sending messages like "people are people," but this company decided to see if it would be a hit... and they failed miserably.
Instead of saying, "People are People," it looks like it says, "Peo Peo are Ple Ple." This is what happens when you try to be creative but forget about functionality. Take notes, shirts designers!
A Cowboy Boot You Can Also Wear To The Gym
In the south, it is almost sacrilegious not to own a pair of cowboy boots. However, these boots are taking that fashion statement to the next level. Where else in the world would you find people who love a pair of shoes so much that they turn them into and athletic sneaker?
Why restrict yourself from only wearing cowboy boots walking around town when you could level up your gym style and bring the western style to the treadmill? Can you imagine walking through the gym and spotting someone proudly wearing these while they lift weights or use the elliptical?
Did You Know There Are Two Mars' In The Solar System?
Whoever produced this solar system t-shirt has never made it past third grade. It shows that the solar system has a different order, and there are two Mars'. If the Earth was next to the sun, our planet would be much hotter, and none of us would be able to survive.
Even a quick search on the internet could have provided the planets' correct order, but they were too lazy to make the shirt accurate. It would have been a cute shirt if they had just put in the ounce of extra effort. We would return this so that no one sees the level of idiocy that is this shirt.
The Difference Between Men's And Women's Pockets Is Astronomical
On the right, you see the man's pocket fits an entire Nintendo Switch while the woman's pocket barely fits one Switch controller. Women have to carry purses because fashion brands don't make the pockets big enough to hold anything. If it has pockets, they should be functional.
Men can carry around everything they need, and more because their pockets are so deep. Most of the time, fashion brands make fake pockets on women's pants because they just want to challenge us and make our lives harder. Can we please make jean pockets useful for once?
Elsa Is Scary When You Open Her Up
When they saw this Elsa mask in the packaging, it looked like it would be cute for their children. However, once it opened fully, they saw the terrifying version of her distorted face. When it was printed, they didn't take into account what it would look like when someone wore it.
Although it is weird, it will definitely keep people six feet away because they will be terrified of that face. If a child wore this on Halloween, they would have the scariest costume by far. The moral of the story is to check what you are buying before it is too late.
Sneakers That Look Like You Came From A Crime Scene
We see what Adidas was trying to do with this design; however, these look more like someone walked around in blood and couldn't clean off the back of their shoes. People will wonder if this person just murdered someone or got some red tye-dye on their shoes.
It is also unclear what the design in the middle of the shoe is supposed to be because it is covered by the laces and not fully visible. If they went out of their way to create these, most people would assume that they would make the key design component the star of the shoe.
How To Recover A Shirt That Turned Yellow In The Armpits
Have the armpits of your white shirts ever turned yellow because your deodorant stained them? Instead of getting new white t-shirts, draw attention to these unsightly stains by adding gold beads to the area. From far away, people will think your shirt is growing fungus, and who wouldn't want that?
It looks like a spider created a nest in this shirt's armpits, but someone tried to call it fashion. This is a hard "no" not only from us but from everyone with eyes. Let's leave armpit designs in the trash and create things that are visually pleasing please.
$4,000 To Look Like A Puffy Cone
Have you ever wanted to look like a street cone, but you also wanted to wear a puffy blanket at the same time? Well, for the small price of $4,000, you can have this horrendous ankle-length puffy coat that gives you absolutely no shape - what a waste of money.
You can buy a warm puffy jacket that is just as long, but it has sleeves and doesn't look like a blob for a much more affordable price. We also haven't even touched on that dress. Who would wear a gown made out of puffy coat material unless it was for a design challenge on RuPaul's Drag Race?
There Are Better Ways To Protect Your Children From The Rain
When this mom found a wearable umbrella on Amazon, she had to buy it for her son, who was less than thrilled to take this picture. She only bought it as a joke, but there are definitely people out there who would make their children wear this instead of a normal raincoat.
One day her children will look back on these photos and wonder why their mom thought these would be adequate protection from the rain. While the idea is interesting, it seems like anyone wearing this would still get wet where the hat doesn't cover.
The Designer Was Trying To Be Whindsical
Do you think this man knows his pants have a flatulent cloud on the backside? Maybe they were trying to be fun and quirky, but anyone who saw this man in public stared and tried to figure out what was going on there. Most people would be too embarrassed to wear these in public, but he has no shame.
Based on what we have seen in the fashion world, these pants are probably a few hundred dollars from some up and coming designer prominent in the hype beast realm. Just like Supreme, no one needs the clothing item, but people buy it because of the hype and exclusivity.
Instead Of Regular Leggings, They Received Whatever These Are
This is one of those times when someone ordered one thing but received a different item in the mail. Although they thought their everyday leggings were in the package, they opened it to find these strange lace-up pants. Why were these made in the first place?
What do you think, are these are suited for casual Friday at the office, or some shady underground night club? Either way, these are a diverse pair of pants that no one should ever wear. This deserves a life sentence in fashion jail because they are that bad. Also, how long did they spend tying them up just to take this picture?
Gloves Made For A Cartoon Character
When you look at your fingers, it is undeniable that they are all different lengths (if you have the same length fingers please send us a photo). However, these gloves are made for a person with fingers that are all the same size, much like a cartoon character. Maybe this was someone's first knitting attempt, or there was a malfunction at the factory.
While they do the same job as regular gloves, it must be irritating to have all that extra fabric on the smaller fingers. Whatever happened here ruined this perfectly good pair of gloves, and they can now only be used to make people uncomfortable.
She Is Racism
Although the shirt says, "I am greater than racism," the "greater than" is hard to see unless you are close to the person. Therefore, it looks like the shirt just says, "I am racism." That is not a message anyone should want to promote or share.
We understand that the designer was trying to be creative, but the message is not coming across, and it is a fail. We hope no one wore this in public or purchased it because they would get some unpleasant stares from people on the streets.
Who Thought That Fake Pockets Were Necessary To This Design?
How many times do we have to say this: FAKE POCKETS ARE POINTLESS. Why do fashion brands add these pockets that you can't use? It's not like they are on-trend; pockets have a purpose, so they don't need to be added to pants just for the sake of it.
Zippers are not cheap, so why waste one to add a fake pocket. We could go on for days ranting about this, but we are sure you are just as annoyed by these things. Women get excited when things have pockets, and then we get played when we find out that they aren't functional.
The "I Just Rolled Down A Muddy Hill" T-Shirt Dress
Have you been looking for a dress that says, "I just rolled down a muddy hill, don't mind me?" Look no further because we found the perfect casual dress to get that message across. Of all the colors they could have used to tye-dye this fabric, they chose one that made it look dirty.
Although beige and brown tye-dye can look cool, the way they did this one looks like she was dropped in a septic tank. It would be perfect for a festival because the mud stains would blend right into the design. Some of the splatters look so disgusting and makes you wonder what caused these splotches.
Thankful To Live In "The Land Of The Because Of The Brave USA Free"
This man is a proud American with his flag flying in the background and his shirt that really sums up the American spirit. Maybe he didn't realize when he bought the shirt, but the message is out of order and doesn't make sense. None of the fonts are even the same, which would have helped readability.
This reminds us of that little boy on Vine who said, "Have you ever had a dream that you could —you could —you had— you could do anything?" None of it made sense, but we understood exactly what he was trying to say.
City Life...That's Questionable
Out of all the places listed on this shirt, only three of them are cities. North Dakota is not known for its city life, and neither is West Virginia. We don't know who made this shirt, but they must be unfamiliar with city names. Mexico City could count, but they only wrote Mexico.
Understandably, they tried to find places that had the proper letters in the name to spell out "City Life," but it just looks silly. Why did they think that Maine was the perfect addition to end this design? Where exactly was this made? Because it seems like those people don't get out much.
Sporty But Also Formal But Also Casual But Also Ugly
This dress must be for a particular occasion; we just don't know what occasion that is. It looks like a sports dress and a formal dress had a love child that no one wanted or needed. Were the designers making a basic dress and half-way through, they said, "You know what this needs? A large ruffle."
Maybe this is what fancy people wear to run marathons. They need something breathable yet stylish and slightly tacky, so they don't look too chic compared to the other runners. We just need a better explanation from Adidas because it doesn't make sense.
Life Isn't Perfect And Neither Is This This Shirt
What exactly happened here? Did the printer get jammed while it was putting the words on this t-shirt, or was this intentional? It says, "life isn't perfect, but your outfit can be;" however, that won't happen if someone is wearing this shirt.
Some of the letters are missing from the design, and we are assuming they jumped off the shirt because they didn't want to be a part of this awful design. Wouldn't you love to be the person who comes up with the quotes for these shirts only to see them ruined when they are printed?
The Chewbacca Costume That Will Surely Scare All The Children
This is the morphe suit no one wanted, needed, or asked for, yet the manufacturer made it anyway. This might be the serial killer version of Chewbacca, but that is the only explanation for this horrifying costume.
In what movie does Chewbacca look like this? Whichever Star Wars that is, we don't want to see it because it would induce life-long nightmares. Can the real Chewbacca please stand up? Because this one is too hard to look at.
Heels For Horses
"Oh, neigh, they didn't!" These shoes must be for horses because we don't know any human that has hooves for feet. If they aren't for a horse, they are giving camel toes a run for their money. Unless someone is dressing up like an animal with hooved feet, why would anyone buy these?
You have to wonder what was going through someone's mind when they decided this was the design they would turn into a real shoe. Maybe they were inspired by the rising western trend with cow print and cowboy details, so they made these to match the aesthetic.
Perfect For Jogging Around Town
Yes, every woman wants to wear a sports bra that says, "Papa and grandson best friends for life." Understandably, they show the design on different clothing articles, but they should know the audience of this design. Those who purchase this are definitely not looking for sports bras.
If something says papa and grandson, it will not be worn by a woman unless they ordered it accidentally. Either way, who would want to work out with this on their chest? Grandpa might need a sports bra soon, so you should get him one of these.
Apparently, They Didn't Have Spellcheck
"I am a woman man. I am pcroud. I did it my way. This is the best." how can you not be moved to tears after reading this short shoe poem? Apparently, these poems don't require spellcheck because no one needs to spell the word proud correctly.
This shoe was found on the clearance rack where it was born to be, and it is proof that you shouldn't write motivational quotes while under the influence. At least they can say they really did it their way, just not in the right way.
The "Fell In The Mud And Used The Bag To Clean Myself Off" Bag
Remember the dress that looked like it was dropped in a septic tank? In case you loved it and wanted a matching bag, Urban Outfitters sold this one for $55. For that much money, you could buy a canvas bag for a few dollars, spill an expensive cup of coffee on it, and it would look the same.
Tye-dye has been a huge trend this year, but that doesn't mean each item will look fantastic if they just pour dye on it. The only thing this bag is good for is to prevent people from stealing your purse. No one would want to stick their hands inside this thing.
The Designer Has Never Seen A Human Baby Before
Unless the baby is built like Michael Phelps and it has abnormally long arms, no one can use this onesie. What human baby has teeny legs but arms that double the length of its body? Maybe it was made for a mutant baby that uses its components to get around.
It looks like this would fit a baby monkey better because their arms are extra long. The designer has never seen a human baby before, so they weren't sure about the proportions, and they also thought that the arms could be pinned to the back like a straight jacket.
These Jeans Are Something Else
Got milk? We don't have to say what everyone is thinking, but these white splattered pants are quite unfortunate. Out of all the places to focus the white, why did they have to put it right in the crotch?
No one would be able to look at this person with a straight face if they wore these pants. It opens you up to all the dirty jokes, and you don't want to be that person. It would be cheaper to make your own bleach-dyed pants, and then you can decide where the color goes.
This Is The Last Place Anyone Should Start Sniffing
Why would a company call a pair of boxers "Sniff?" That is the last place you would want to put your nose unless they are fresh out of the washing machine. The only time people are sniffing their boxers is to check for freshness, and even then, they shouldn't have to smell them to know.
At least they don't say "Scratch" alongside the sniff because men know that scratching is implied. Sometimes people don't think about the word association to their product, and it shows. Let's just say we would pass on these ones.
Inflict Pain On Yourself Whenever You Sit Down With This Belt Buckle
This person bought an Assasins Creed belt buckle but didn't think about how painful it would be to wear it. Every time he sits down, the buckle stabs him in the stomach, which is not something people pay for.
If he is a real assassin, he would never sit down, but we guess he is just a fan of the franchise. This belt would be good to help you sit up straight and suck in your stomach. Avoid pain and have better posture.
Fish Skeleton Or New Yeezys?
If you aren't aware, Kanye West has his own brand called Yeezy, and he releases a new collection each year. At first, the shoes were stylish, and now they have turned into something you would see on another planet. Take these fish skeleton rubber sneakers that probably cost upwards of $500.
Who would want to spend that much just to look like they are walking around with alien feet? For the amount of money people spend on these shoes, they could buy something much more stylish. Not to mention they are exclusive, so people buy them and sell them for double the price.
What Were They Trying To Say?
Is it supposed to be "I like to eat bread, and I like to eat milk," or "Like, eat bread and like, eat milk?" Either way, this design makes absolutely no sense because you don't eat milk; you drink it. Out of all the things they could have written, we wonder why they chose these words.
It could be for a foreign market where people don't understand English well, but this is certainly not helping them learn. One could only hope that this was a misprint, and they aren't trying to sell this for the full price.
Identity Crisis: Is It A Bag Or A Shoe?
Is it a shoe? Is it a purse? The world may never know, but we can assume that no one is buying these. If it were a shoe, why would you want the extra fabric around your foot with a handle that doesn't go around the ankle? If it were a purse, why would they add a heel to it?
The person in the store put it with the rest of the shoes, but a customer found it and realized there wasn't a matching one, so it must be a purse. Louis Vitton would never make something like this, and they are probably embarrassed that their logo is on this strange thing.
What Is This Jacket Really Made Of?
If you add all of the percentages together, you get 300 percent, which doesn't really make sense unless this jacket has three layers. Regardless, this item has a lot of polyesters. Luckily it is only 30 percent PU, so it doesn't smell too bad.
This person shared the tag because that was too many numbers for one jacket, and we agree. If these numbers describe different layers of the jacket, you would think they would make that more obvious to people who aren't knowledgeable.
Just Dot
Nike has officially changed its slogan to "Just Dot." Although this is not public information yet, we got this inside scoop from this bag, but we don't understand the inspiration. "Just Do It" is iconic, so why would they change it to something so meaningless after all these years?
Instead of inspiring people to stay motivated and never quit their dreams, they confused people with this poor design. It is no wonder that it is 72 percent discounted because no one wanted to walk around with a bag that says, "Just Dot."
Toy, Purse, And Fashion Disaster Rolled Into One Accessory
Who wouldn't want a poop shaped designer knock-off cartoon plastic purse in their collection? This is a toy carrying case made to look like a purse, and it costs a whopping $50. If our child asked for this, we would buy them a regular children's bag.
Hopefully, this woman wasn't walking around, thinking this is what all the cool kids use as a purse. This needs to go back to the toy bin where it belongs until some spoiled child finds it and begs their parents to buy it for them.
Just To Get A Little Fresh Air On Your Back
Unless you want your back to breathe, we don't understand the reasoning behind these holes in the dress. Also, the cutouts don't look like the stylish ones you would find on most dresses, making it even more of a fashion crime.
Maybe this woman doesn't know that the holes exist, and she is just confused as to why she always feels an extra breeze when she wears the dress. The only people who should be allowed to wear this dress are those who have severe back sweats.
Don't Be Embarrassed, It's Fashion
Come on, Topshop, you should know better than that. Why would they concentrate all the pink dye in the bottom when they know full well that it looks like a period stain. While not many people see your underwear, it is still an awkward design.
Unless these are marketed as panties for that time of the month because stains won't show up, we would surely pass. Ombre is a cool trend, but it just doesn't make sense to make it look like that for some items.
This Is For A Baby Who Is The Best Dad Ever
Unless this bib is for an adult male, we doubt that this baby is the best dad ever. It is no wonder that these are on sale for three dollars because no one wants their baby to have dad apparel. The brand must have misunderstood the best dad ever concept.
We are not judging any fathers who are small and like to wear bibs, but we don't know if that was the initial target audience. Since it is such a bargain, they should buy the pack and use a sharpie to add, "I have the" above it to make more sense.
Boots That Double As A Pillow
Have you ever wondered why your boots didn't double as a place to rest your head? Well, this designer heard your cries for help and made the pillow boot. Now you can slip off your shoe that touched the dirty ground and rest your head on it whenever you need a nap.
Not only are they quite unsightly, but they aren't beneficial because once you take them off, you don't have anything to keep your foot warm. It would be better to carry around an inflatable pillow if you feel like you need to nap on the go.
The Least Amount Of Effort Given To Tie Dye
Tie-dye is having a significant moment right now; however, this $174 sweatshirt looks like the laziest attempt at bleach-dying. It is as if they accidentally got bleach on the original sweatshirt and decided to add a few more droplets to look intentional.
If they were going to call it a "tie-dye hoodie," they should have gone all out and made it look better. The lower half isn't even dyed because they didn't want to try harder. The saddest part is that even on sale, it is still $114.