This article was originally published on ParentMood
Everything Stops to Catch a Moth
No one likes invaders in the house. You don't want to be walking around your home, your safe place, only to see that there is an unwelcome guest who just barged in uninvited. That is, even more, the case when the guest is a moth. This entire family, husband, dog, and two cats, seem entranced by the invader moth that entered their home. They cannot take their eyes off of it.
At some point, the man of the house needs to make a move and actually go in to remove the unwelcome guest. However, they all look too frozen to actually do it.
This Amish Woman Wanted to Break Free
Growing up you learn what ways of life are for you and what ways of life are not for you. This woman was living in an Amish community in the 90s and she, as the picture shows, was not too thrilled about the lifestyle. She wanted to be wild and young and free and she was going to do that whether or not her community permitted can be seen here.
This was not her first offense. At the time this photo was taken she was actually already in trouble with the church for breaking off three engagements. No one can hold her down!
Step Away From the Secret Grandma Meeting
Have you ever wondered how all grandmas are able to cook such delicious cookies and amazing food? You may have always thought that it was just the love and affection that they put into it, but maybe this picture is revealing the truth and there is actually a secret grandma committee where they discuss insider tips. After all, they don't seem too happy that someone has intruded and taken their picture.
Apparently they also have a dress code for this committee and club and it requires wearing Christmas grandma sweaters all year round.
Trying to Take Photos of a One Year Old Child
Family photos are so funny mostly when there are children involved. After all, children are hard to control and it's difficult to get them to sit still and pose for the picture long enough to capture the beautiful moment. It is especially hard when the child is just one year old. This mother was trying to take a cute birthday picture of her daughter when things went south pretty fast.
It was probably only a few moments later that you heard the baby wailing and crying. That was the end of that photoshoot and this was the best picture that they were able to get.
Is It Grandma or Is It Rambo?
There was a time when pictures were hard to come by. You had photo albums and walled pictures in your house, but you definitely didn't have an entire endless roll of images on your phone that you could pull out at any given moment. That is why people tend to value pictures from before the phone era so much more. For example, this is the only picture this person has of their grandmother.
They liked to say that in this photo, she looked more like "grambo" than grandma and that would make a lot of sense. However, when you only have one picture of someone it's hard for their real personality to come through.
Hulk in a Purple Princess Dress
It looks like the one year old child was not the only one who would not be cooperating when the time came to take pretty photos. this child, for whatever reason, decided on the day that she was supposed to get her pictures taken in a pretty purple dress, that she would not cooperate at all. On the contrary, she was going to make the entire process as difficult as possible.
As a result, you are left with this masterpiece...The Hulk in a Purple Dress. She is doing very well imitating him in this photo.
This Awkward Family Photo Shows a Lot of Personality
There's nothing quite like dating someone for a long time and then finally the moment arrives when you get to look at pictures of them from when they were little. You are in for the ride of your life and it is always fun to see what your partner was like as a child. This woman was left shocked when this picture was one of the ones that appeared as they looked at childhood photos.
The funniest part of this story is that her husband, even twenty years later, didn't see what was wrong with this photo and thought it was a masterpiece.
A Journey Into Space
There was a time when all people wanted was to have their photo taken and for it to be placed on a background like this one. They wanted to appear that they were in outer space. This woman's portion of the photo was coming out wonderfully, but it looks like her dog was not as thrilled about the concept of a space journey. On the contrary, he was terrified.
At least she is holding and hugging him in the process. That should comfort him a little bit at least. But then again, it doesn't seem to be doing much.
When You Have a Pet Duck...
Many people have pets, but most people have the usual pets like a dog or a cat or maybe a hamster. Some people go wild with a turtle or a snake, but this man decided to be unique and went for a pet duck. Maybe he was inspired by Joey and Chandler from Friends. Either way, he wanted to be unique and he wanted his portrait to express that...which it did.
This duck is cooperating better than most children would for a photo like this one. He is sitting there peacefully, looking in the right direction with his little bowtie on.
Dwight's Doppelganger as a Child
Some people believe that everyone in the world has a doppelganger. Other people believe that this is just a myth and it only refers to people who look a little bit similar. However, no one who has seen The Office can deny that this child looks exactly like Dwight, only in child form. It is almost uncanny and it's hard to believe that they are not the same person at all.
Maybe they have some sort of similar ancestry. It doesn't make sense that two people could look that much alike and not share some genetics.
How Old Do You Think She Is?
At first glance you might not be able to see what is so funny and awkward about this family photo, however, once you learn the context you might understand. If you were to be told that this was a picture of a 30-something woman in the 1950s, then everything would be fine, she is beautiful and looks happy! However, that is not the case at all and this is a 10 year old child!
She was so excited to get this portrait done on her 10th birthday and she could not have been horrified with the end result where she appeared at least three times her age.
Each Child Is Unique in Their Own Way
One of the most interesting and fun parts about being a parent is perhaps seeing all the strange quirks and weird mannerisms of your children. It makes each and every day feel like a new adventure. You never know what they are going to do next and that is both terrifying and exciting. This child had a particularly hilarious quirk and it was to walk around like this whenever they had the chance.
It must have been pretty scary for the parents the first time that it happened. They were probably concerned that their child was hurt or that something happened to them, but they were just getting comfortable.
He Is Not Excited to Be a Big Brother
Some children are more than thrilled at the idea of having a new sibling about to enter the family and some are furious at the idea of no longer being an only child. This young boy definitely falls into the latter category and he is making no effort to hide it. His parents are trying to pretend that he is excited, but he is not willing to lie to the world.
No matter what these parents did they were not able to get him to smile or even look at the camera. He was unhappy and wanted the world to know it...which they all do now.
Perfect for a Slightly Outdated Linked in Photo
Having professional pictures is always a challenge. If you don't go out of your way to get them done by a portrait photographer, the likelihood id high that you will never have a professional photo in your life. This woman, however, has one gem of a professional photo that was taken of her as a child. Even as she turned 31, this was the most professional picture she had of herself.
What do you think people would do if she used this as her LinkedIn profile image? They would probably be so confused and not understand what her real age was.
Dancing Ballet or Flying a Kite?
Oh the things you will do as a parent to keep your children occupied and having a good time. All pride and ego goes right out the door when you have children and there is nothing you can do about that. This father was trying his best to get a kite to stay airborne and this strange looking dance was the end result. He looks like he is a professional ballerina with those moves.
Maybe he should really consider a side career in dance. It looks like he was made to do that even if he doesn't know it yet.
The 80s Were a Crazy Time
There is nothing more fun than to look through old photos of your parents and to find embarrassing and awkward pictures of them in their school yearbooks. This man had quite the 80s look going on at the time with the perm and mullet and extravagant spider man glasses. The funny part is that they even allowed him to take his school picture with sunglasses on in the first place.
The best part of this is that he was probably one of the coolest kids in the school at the time. He was rocking just about every trend out there all at once.
She Took the "Make a Funny Face" Command Seriously
Most of the time when you at having photos taken, you will hear at some point the photographer telling you to make a funny face. People usually make a slightly comical expression appear on their faces but they don't usually go too wild. After all, they still want to look good in the photo. However, this woman was going full force in the Bat Mitzvah family portrait and wanted to make her funniest face.
You can't even look at any of the other family members in this photo once you see the mother's funny face. Hers takes the cake and there is no comparing.
Cat and Human on a Cloud
Senior photos are an important part of growing up. It is exciting to have your portrait taken and for it to be included in the yearbook for everyone to see. You are finishing high school and you want the world to know it! This woman took a unique senior portrait, one that included her cat and her in a background of white feathers and fluff where you can only see both of their heads.
The cat seemed to know that this was not a great idea, but he was being held against his will. Now they both look back at this moment in embarrassment and laughter.
The Family That Wore All Black
It's hard to tell from looking at this photo if these people look like they are in a gang or if they are one of the coolest families to ever exist. To a certain extent, they look like they are all models with their head to toe black outfits and stern faces, and on the other hand, they look terrifying. It could really go either way and both ways at the same time.
Regardless, kudos to them for getting a unique, albeit awkward, family photo. Most people take the usual, basic, and tense family photos and they decided to be different.
Capturing the Moment Before the Tears
This is truly a timeless photo. After all, what is the likelihood that you will be able to capture the exact second that your child is falling to the ground? It was not the moment before they fell or the moment after, where you see the beginning of the tears. They were captured mid fall and the result is hilarious. Everyone looks so calm as the child slowly falls to the ground horizontally.
This is what happens when you try to take photos with children and they are too busy fooling around. The mother was holding her hand as she pulled away and then the girl pulled too hard.
When You Look a Little Too Much Like Your Sibling
People would almost tell this brother and sister duo that they looked exactly alike and they would even be asked if they were twins, despite the clear age difference. And so they decided to try the face swap feature to see how different they look from each other. The result is shocking as you can hardly tell that their faces were swapped at all and they look exactly the same still.
It's crazy that two children can look so much alike when they are not even twins. You literally cannot tell their faces apart in the face swap.
Three Happy Children and Two Angry Dogs
You asked for one of the most unique family photos and here you have it. No one is sure if they knew that this would happen when they tried to incorporate the dogs into the family photo or if it came as a total shock to everyone, but the end result is hilarious regardless. They really seemed to capture the moment of complete oblivious bliss while the dogs almost attack each other.
All three of the children seem so happy and completely oblivious to the angry dogs. The dogs are a totally different kind of sibling to the three humans there.
A Trophy and an Onion Ring
Hey, no judgment here...everyone is at different stages of life at different times. These two siblings have some very different sets of priorities and it is hilarious. The boy is proudly showing off his hocket trophy and medal while the girl is standing next to him, proudly showing the world her onion ring. Who knows what she had to do to get that onion ring, but it is making her very happy.
The funniest part about this is that they both seem equally as happy even though they have very different achievements. But happiness is the most important at the end of the day!
Camouflage Into the Couches
It seems like The Sound of Music really inspired a lot of people to start making clothing out of curtains and bedsheets and the like. This woman decided to make her sons matching outfits. Not only do these outfits match each other perfectly, but they also match the couch perfectly. It is a bold print and yet they are able to camouflage directly into it thanks to these outfits thanks to the handmade outfits.
Even if her kids never wore these outfits again, it was worth it for the funny and embarrassing family photo. How can you not appreciate such a piece of art?
The One Daughter With a Completely Different Vibe
It is always funny to see how children grow up and how siblings evolve to be completely different people from each other. You never know if all of your children will grow up to have more or less the same aesthetic or if you will have one child who chooses a very different path. This daughter wanted to make it very clear that she falls into the latter category.
She stands out from the other daughters for sure, but she also stands out due to the location and weather where this photo was taken. She must be quite hot in that outfit!
Do Not Blink Under Any Circumstance
Although it is always difficult to get a good family photo of your children and you may be tempted to tell them not to blink while the photos are being taken, here is your sign not to do that. Children may not fully understand the concept of not blinking and you may end up with a photo like these where the kids look terrified and ready to murder someone at any given moment.
This truly looks like a photo that could be hung up in a little house of Horrors museum. But, at least the family got a picture of them when they weren't blinking. They, in theory, got what they were looking for!
Yes, Babies Can Be Quite Scary
If you could show the feelings of every new mother, this would be the perfect picture to do so. This girl, although not the mother herself of this new baby, seems so shocked by how different it is from the dolls she is used to playing with. It is much heavier and it is real and it moves. Her face explains all of her emotions. New mothers probably feel the exact same way and they just don't show it!
Despite the terror and the fear, she does look quite excited and is holding the little baby so carefully.
This Baby Will Fear Nothing
What is the best way to make sure that a new baby grows up completely fearless? It seems like this little girl has a new approach. She insists on wearing this mask every time she holds her baby cousin and will not hold him without it. Why? No one really knows, but the best explanation is probably that she wants him to grow up to be completely fearless..not scared of any monster.
If this is how she always greets him, will the little boy even recognize her as he grows up? Or will he think the wolves are his family?
Sisterly Love in One Photo
If you could capture the unique, funny, and comical relationship between two sisters, this picture would be the perfect example. You can see how the two girls love each other and yet they are making sure that they do not ruin the birthday candles and destroy the entire evening at the same time. Years later, these two sisters say that their relationship is exactly the same as the day this picture was taken.
At least she was able to blow out her birthday candles in peace and she didn't have to worry about her sister doing it for her (she made sure that wouldn't happen).
A Halloween Picture to Remember (and Keep Hidden)
There is nothing more exciting than Halloween for a kid, except maybe Christmas. But every child loves the holiday of Halloween. They get to dress up as their favorite characters or fantasies and they get to go all around the town collecting candy that will last them for weeks. These two siblings decided to dress up as a princess and a knight for Halloween, which was very cute until they took this photo and saw what was wrong.
This is probably not the exact message that they were going for when they were trying to create these costumes and take the pictures.
Pepsi Versus Coca Cola
Ahhh to continue the endless battle between Pepsi and Coca-Cola. These siblings have created a game that is almost good enough to become an ad for one of the soda brands themself. After all, whoever wins is the winning soda brand and the feature in the ad. You can't hide from the endless battle between the two, just like there is an endless battle between siblings. The correlation is perfect.
This looks like a pretty fun game until one of the children actually gets hurt. The younger girl in the front seems to be running for her life while she has a chance.
Inspired by the Sound of Music
It looks like the clothing made from the curtains is not the only time The Sound of Music inspired an awkward family photo on this list. These children watched the Sound of Music many times when they were younger and, as a result, they wanted to make themselves look like the nuns that were acting in the movie. How did they do that? They pulled underwear over their heads and added a shirt for a veil.
You have to give them lots of extra points for creativity. They didn't have very many materials and yet they were determined to make themselves feel as realistic as possible.
He Was Determined to Catch a Fish That Day
This is actually much less of an awkward family photo and actually one that this boy should be quite proud of. Instead of the lame "holding a fish" picture that people include on Tinder profiles, the boy should upload this one as it shows quite a story behind it. Instead of waiting to have all the best fishing gear, this boy decided to get into the water and just pull the fish out himself.
You can understand why his sister looks so shocked next to him. After all, who expected someone to do something quite like that...and to be successful at it! It is really something to be proud of.
That Probably Isn't What They Meant by "show More Teeth"
It can be hard to photograph children. They don't always cooperate and it's hard to teach them exactly what to do and how to do it. This photographer told this child to "show more teeth" as he wasn't really smiling. However, the kid seemed to misunderstand and instead of showing more teeth in a big smile, they just looked like they were terrified and didn't know what to do.
The girl on the left seems to have not listened to the photographer's instructions to show more teeth and, as a result, came out looking quite cute in the picture.
When You're Forced to Take a Picture With Your Siblings
Not all siblings are lovey dovey and most of them are more than happy to have their space and not be bothered by their siblings. This girl is the prime example. Her parents asked her to take a picture with her new twin siblings and she was not having it. However, as she was just a child, her parents made her do it anyway and this was the end result.
She took the picture in the end but she also made sure it was quite clear that she was not happy with it and would hold a grudge forever.
It Was All Fun and Games Until...
It's such a shame to see that such a beautiful moment would so soon be ruined by a crying toddler. Everyone looked like they were having so much fun on this Halloween day in 1989. However, one kid decided to take the swinging a little too far and this is the end result. She is doing a full flip towards the ground and it is only a matter of time before the tears come.
Maybe the child was too wreckless or maybe grandma was annoyed and swung her a little too hard. Either way, it wouldn't be all smiles soon.
It's a Sad State When This Is the Best Photo They Could Get
What do you think this baby was thinking about that made them make such hysterical faces the entire time that the photographer was trying to capture a cute Christmas photo of the family? She looks like she is hypnotized by something. The funniest part of this story is that this was actually the best picture that they were able to get of her in this photo shoot. Wouldn't you love to see the other ones?
It is still a cute picture even if it is not exactly what they were expecting or hoping to get out of the day.
When Perm Meets Mullet - The Prime of the 80s
The 80s were a crazy time. People were wearing huge puffy sleeved clothes and perming their hair to be as big and as curly as possible...and then there was the mullet. Nothing was more shocking or more unique than the mullet. This family decided to go all out and give both of their daughters the mullet hairdo and also full perms. They were the walking picture of the 1980s.
They both look quite happy in the picture and they were probably some of the coolest kids on the block at the time. It's funny how different things are looking back.
The Difference Between Sons and Daughters in One Picture
Some people swear that having boys is far easier than having girls and others swear the exact opposite. The mother of these children would definitely say the latter if this picture is anything to judge them by. These two girls are posing in a loving manner, taking a happy picture of them smiling and hugging while the brother is in the background ready to wreak havoc on the entire scene.
At least there is a bit of a barrier blocking him from reaching the two girls. The picture is still a cute one if you choose to crop him out of it!
A Funeral for a Fish
It is hard not to become extremely connected to your pets as a child. It is natural to love them completely, even if it's "just a fish". This girl's fish died when she was 7 years old and she was so heartbroken that she insisted everyone wear black to mourn the fish's passing and insisted on holding an actual funeral and burial for the fish, which the family agreed to do.
Her older sister, although she participated in the ceremony and the emotional moments (also wearing black), could hardly keep in her smile as her sister was wailing and holding the dead fish on a paper plate as they posed for the camera.